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7-9 题。

材料一:目前,中国科学院在京召开新闻发布会对外宣布,“墨子号”量子科学实验卫星提前并圆满实现全部既定科学目标,为我国在未来继续引领世界量子通信研究奠定了坚实基础。通信安全是国家信息安全和人类经济社会生活的基本要求。千百年来, 人们对于通信安全的追求从未停止。然而, 基于计算复杂性的传统加密技术,在原理上存在着被破译的可能性。随着数学和计算能力的不断提升,经典密码被破译的可能性与日俱增。中国科学技术大学潘建伟说:“通过量子通信可以解决这个问题。也就是说,把量子物理与信息技术相结合,利用量子调控技术,用一种革命性的方式对信息进行编码、存储、传输和操纵,从而在确保信息安全、提高运算速度、提升测量精度等方面突破经典信息技术的瓶颈。”量子通信主要研究内容包括量子密钥分发(量子保密通信)和量子隐形传态。量子密钥分发通过量子态的传输,使遥远两地用户可以共享无条件安全的密钥,利用该密钥对信息进行一次一密的严格加密。这是目前人类唯一已知的不可窃听、不可破译的无条件安全的通信方式。量子通信的另一重要内容量子隐形传态,是利用量子纠缠特性可以将物质的未知量子态精确传送到遥远地点,而不用传送物质本身,通过隐形传输实现信息传递。(摘编自吴月辉《“墨子号”,抢占量子科技创新制高点》,《人民日报》2017 年 8 月 10 日)

材料二:潘建伟的导师安东·蔡格林说,潘伟健的团队在量子互联网的发展方面冲到了领先地位。量子互联网是由卫星和地面设备构成的能够在全球范围分享量子信息的网络。 这将使不可破解的全球加密通信成为可能,同时也使我们可以开展一些新的控制远距离量子联系的实验。目前, 潘建伟的团队计划发射第二颗卫星,他们还在中国的天宫二号空间站上进行着一项太空量子实验。潘伟健说未来五年“还会取得很多精彩的成果,一个新时代已经到来”。潘伟健是一个有无穷热情的乐观主义者。他低调地表达了自己的信心,称中国政府将会支持下一个宏伟计划----一项投资20 亿美元的量子通信、量子计量和量子计算的五年计划,与此形成对照的是欧洲2016 年宣布的旗舰项目,投资额为12 亿美元。

(摘编自伊丽莎白·吉布尼《一位把量子通信带到太空又带回地球的物理学家》,《自然》 2017 年 12 月)

材料三:日本《读卖新闻》5 月 2 日报道:中国实验设施瞄准一流( 记者 : 莳田一彦、船越翔 )在中国南部广东省东莞市郊外的丘陵地带,中国刚刚建成了大型实验设施“中国散裂中子源(CSNS)”。该实验设施建设费用达到23 亿元人民币,3 月正式投入运行。中国是继美国、英国、日本之后第四个拥有同样设施的国家。日本的J-PARC 加速器设施中心主任齐藤直人说:“虽然日本在技术和经验上领先,但中国发展得实在太快。亚洲的中心正在从日本向中国转移。”中国推进的这类大型工程还有很多。3 月,中国人民政治协商会议开幕。政协委员潘建伟被媒体记者团团围住。潘建伟是利用2016 年发射的“墨子号”人造卫星进行量子通信研究的研究团队负责人,其团队2017 年以后相继发布了多项世界首创的实验成果。潘建伟今年当选美国《时代》杂志“全球百大最具影响力人物”。使用人造卫星的实验要耗费巨额资金,欧洲和日本还在犹豫不决。日本的研究人员认为,“在基础科学领域,中国正在踏入他国难以涉足的领域,领先世界”。(摘编自《参考消息》2018 年 5 月 7 日)

7. 下列对材料相关内容的理解,不正确的一项是(3 分)

A. 量子通信把量子物理信息进行编码、存储、传输和操纵,可以有效解决经典密码被破译的问题。

B. 潘建伟研究团队在天宫二号空间站上进行太空量子实验,并计划发射“墨子号”后的第二颗卫星,他对未来五年会取得更多成果充满信心。

C. 中国是继美国、英国、日本之后第四个拥有散裂中子源设备的国家,有些日本科学家有了危机感,认为亚洲的中心正逐渐向中国转移。

D. 在基础科学研究领域,比如使用人造卫星开展科学实验,需要消费巨额资金,欧洲和日本都还在犹豫不决,因而尚未涉足这些领域。

8. 下列对材料相关内容的概括和分析,不正确的一项是(3 分 )

A. 利用“墨子号” 科学实验卫星研究量子密钥分发和量子隐形传态的量子通信技术,对国家信息安全和人类经济社会生活具有重要意义。

B. 量子密钥分发是通过量子态的传输,使双方共享无条件安全的量子密钥,对信息进行一次一密的严格加密,从而确保信息传递绝对安全。

C. 考虑到千百年来人们对于通信安全的追求从未停止,市场潜力巨大,中国和欧洲都投入巨额资金,首要目的是抢占尽可能多的市场份额。

D. 材料二和材料三中,国外媒体对我国量子通信技术研究的相关情况进行了报道,认为中国无论是投资力度还是研究水平都处于世界领先地位。

9. 以上三则材料中,《人民日报》《自然》《读卖新闻》报道的侧重点有什么不同?为什么?请结合材料简要分析。(6分)








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试题分类: 写作
试题分类: 初级(口语)
Bernard Bailyn has recentlyreinterpretedthe early historyof the United States by applyingnew socialresearchfindingson theexperiencesofEuropean migrants.Inhisreinterpretation,migrationbecomes the organizingprinciplefor rewritingthe historyofpreindustrial North America. His approach rests on four separate propositions.The firstof these asserts that residentsof early modern England moved regularlyabouttheir countryside; migrating to the New World was simply a natural spillover. Although atfirstthe colonies held littlepositiveattractionfor the English D they would rather havestayed home D by the eighteenth century people increasingly migrated to America becausethey regarded it as the land of opportunity. Secondly, Bailyn holds that, contrary to thenotion that used to flourish in America history textbooks, there was never a typical NewWorld community.For example, the economic and demographiccharacterof early New Englandtowns varied considerably.Bailyn's third proposition suggest two general patterns prevailing among the manythousands of migrants:one group came as indenturedservants,another came to acquire land.Surprisingly,Bailyn suggests that those who recruitedindentured servants were the drivingforces of transatlanticmigration.These colonialentrepreneurshelped determine the socialcharacterof people who came to preindustrialNorth America.At first,thousands ofunskilled laborers were recruited; by the 1730's, however, American employers demandedskilled artisans.Finally, Bailyn argues that the colonies were a half-civilized hinterland of theEuropean culture system. He is undoubtedly correct to insist that the colonies were partof an Anglo-American empire. But to divide the empire into English core and colonialperiphery, as Bailyn does, devalues the achievements of colonial culture. It is true, asBailyn claims, that high culture in the colonies never matched that in England. But whatof seventeenth-century New England, where the settlers created effective laws, built adistinguished university, and published books Bailyn might respond that New England wasexceptional. However, the ideas and institutions developed by New England Puritans hadpowerful effects on North American culture.Although Bailyn goes on to apply his approach to some thousands of indenturedservantswho migrated just prior to the revolution, he fails to link their experience with thepolitical development of the United States. Evidence presented in his work suggests howwe might make such a connection. These indentured servants were treated as slaves for theperiod during which they had sold their time to American employers. It is not surprisingthat as soon as they served their time they passed up good wages in the cities and headedwest to ensure theirpersonal independence by acquiringland. Thus, it is in the west thata peculiarly American political culture began, among colonists who were suspicious ofauthority and intensely anti-aristocratic. 1.Which of the followingstatements about migrants to colonialNorth America is supportedby information in the text [A] A larger percentage of migrants to colonial North America came as indenturedservants than as free agents interested in acquiring land. [B] Migrants who came to the colonies as indentured servants were more successful atmaking a livelihood than were farmers and artisans. [C] Migrants to colonialNorth America were more successfulat acquiringtheir own landduring the eighteenth century than during the seventeenth century. [D] By the 1730's,migrants already skilled in a trade were in more demand by Americanemployers than were unskilled laborers. 2.The author of the text states that Bailyn failed to [A] Give sufficient emphasis to the cultural and political interdependence of thecolonies and England. [B] Describe carefully how migrants of different ethnic backgrounds preserved theirculture in the United States. [C] Take advantage of social research on the experiences of colonists who migrated tocolonial North America specifically to acquire land. [D] Relate the experience of the migrants to the politicalvalues that eventuallyshapedthe character of the United States. 3.Which of the following best summarizes the author's evaluation of Bailyn's fourthproposition [A] It is totally implausible. [B] It is partially acceptable. [C] It is highly admirable. [D] It is controversial though persuasive. 4.According to the text,Bailyn and the author agree on which of the followingstatementsabout the culture of colonial New England [A] High culture in New England never equaled the high culture of England. [B] The culturalachievements of colonialNew England have generallybeen unrecognizedby historians. [C] The colonistsimitatedthe high cultureof England , and did not develop a culturethat was uniquely their own. [D] The southern colonies were greatly influenced by the high culture of New England. 5.The author of the text would be most likely to agree with which of the followingstatements about Bailyn's work [A] Bailyn underestimates the effects of Puritan thought on North American culture. [B] Bailyn overemphasizes the economic dependence of the colonies on Great Britain. [C] Bailyn'sdescriptionof thecoloniesas part of an Anglo-American empireis misleading and incorrect. [D] Bailyn failedto test his propositionson a specificgroup of migrants to colonialNorth America.
试题分类: 专业英语八级