当前位置:考试网  > 试卷库  > 外语类  > 商务英语  > 初级(阅读)  >  Section D Even if you get work done and generally get along with co-workers, you could have habits that bug your boss (not to mention your officemates). While these quirks may not necessarily get you fired, they certainly can keep you from climbing the corporate ladder. We’ve uncovered a number of habits that bug your boss and offer tips on how to avoid them. According to LaRhonda Edwards, a human resources manager with thirteen years of HR experience, tardiness is one of the biggest concerns for managers. “If the normal work day starts at 8 o’clock, then the expectation is that you’re in the office ready to start your day,” she explains. Her advice to the chronically late? “Plan ahead,” she urges. “If you live 50 minutes away, you don’t leave 50 minutes early. Tag on extra time and anticipate road blocks.” Some people even set their clocks a few minutes early to ensure that they’re on time. Different bosses prefer different modes of communication. Lindsey Pollak, a workplace expert and author of Getting from College to Career, says if you text your boss and she prefers in-person meetings, “either your information won’t get across or you’ll irritate [her].” Fortunately, there’s a simple fix: ask your boss how and when to send updates. If you’re too shy to ask outright, then Pollak suggests observing how they communicate with you. “If you have a boss who communicates once a day by email, that’s the boss’ preferred frequency and method of communication,” explains Pollak. A cluttered, messy work space can give your boss the impression that you’re lazy or disorganized, so try to keep your desk neat. “Never put more on your desk than you’re going to work on for the day,” recommends Edwards. “At the end of the day, make sure you set up for the next day. I may be working on five things at once, but at the end of the day, they’re gone, and I set up for the next day.” Most managers would rather you ask a question than make a mistake, but many questions can be answered on your own. “Is this something you could Google or ask a colleague?” wonders Pollak. “The internet is so vast that a lot of information you can get yourself.” If you must approach your boss with a question or issue, then Pollak recommends brainstorming beforehand. “Rather than saying ‘This client is terrible. What should I do?’ think about potential solutions,” she says. Cell phones are practically ubiquitous in the workplace these days, but it’s still disruptive and disrespectful when they go off during a meeting. Edwards says that you should, “put your cell phone on vibrate or leave it in your own office so it’s not a distraction.” That way you won’t be tempted to text either ( )6.According to the article, how many pieces of advice are offered here? . A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Five(B) ( )7.What is this article about? . A. How to be successful in the workplace. B. How to communicate with your boss. C. How to avoid quirks that annoy your boss. D. How to utilize your mobile phones at work. ( )8.What does the phrase “to get across” in the sentence “…she prefers in-person meetings, “either your information won’t get across or you’ll irritate …” of the second paragraph mean? . A. To be communicated B. To be passed C. To be promoted D. To be anticipated(A) ( )9.According to the article, which of the following modes of communication is the best when communicating with your boss? . A. Any ways you think are appropriate. B. In-person meetings. C. Correspondence. D. The way your boss communicates with you.(D) ( )10.Which of the following statements is not mentioned? A. Employees should pay respect to their bosses anytime. B. Employees should plan beforehand so as to show up at work on time. C. Employees should not let their mobile phones go off during meetings. D. Employees should keep their desks neat and organized.

Section D

Even if you get work done and generally get along with co-workers, you could have habits that bug your boss (not to mention your officemates). While these quirks may not necessarily get you fired, they certainly can keep you from climbing the corporate ladder. We’ve uncovered a number of habits that bug your boss and offer tips on how to avoid them.

According to LaRhonda Edwards, a human resources manager with thirteen years of HR experience, tardiness is one of the biggest concerns for managers. “If the normal work day starts at 8 o’clock, then the expectation is that you’re in the office ready to start your day,” she explains. Her advice to the chronically late? “Plan ahead,” she urges. “If you live 50 minutes away, you don’t leave 50 minutes early. Tag on extra time and anticipate road blocks.” Some people even set their clocks a few minutes early to ensure that they’re on time. Different bosses prefer different modes of communication. Lindsey Pollak, a workplace expert and author of Getting from College to Career, says if you text your boss and she prefers in-person meetings, “either your information won’t get across or you’ll irritate [her].” Fortunately, there’s a simple fix: ask your boss how and when to send updates. If you’re too shy to ask outright, then Pollak suggests observing how they communicate with you. “If you have a boss who communicates once a day by email, that’s the boss’ preferred frequency and method of communication,” explains Pollak.

A cluttered, messy work space can give your boss the impression that you’re lazy or disorganized, so try to keep your desk neat. “Never put more on your desk than you’re going to work on for the day,” recommends Edwards. “At the end of the day, make sure you set up for the next day. I may be working on five things at once, but at the end of the day, they’re gone, and I set up for the next day.” Most managers would rather you ask a question than make a mistake, but many questions can be answered on your own. “Is this something you could Google or ask a colleague?” wonders Pollak. “The internet is so vast that a lot of information you can get yourself.” If you must approach your boss with a question or issue, then Pollak recommends brainstorming beforehand. “Rather than saying ‘This client is terrible. What should I do?’ think about potential solutions,” she says.

Cell phones are practically ubiquitous in the workplace these days, but it’s still disruptive and disrespectful when they go off during a meeting. Edwards says that you should, “put your cell phone on vibrate or leave it in your own office so it’s not a distraction.” That way you won’t be tempted to text either

( )6.According to the article, how many pieces of advice are offered here? .

A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Five(B)

( )7.What is this article about? .

A. How to be successful in the workplace.

B. How to communicate with your boss.

C. How to avoid quirks that annoy your boss.

D. How to utilize your mobile phones at work.

( )8.What does the phrase “to get across” in the sentence “…she prefers in-person meetings, “either your information won’t get across or you’ll irritate …” of the second paragraph mean? .

A. To be communicated B. To be passed

C. To be promoted D. To be anticipated(A)

( )9.According to the article, which of the following modes of communication is the best when communicating with your boss? .

A. Any ways you think are appropriate.

B. In-person meetings.

C. Correspondence.

D. The way your boss communicates with you.(D)

( )10.Which of the following statements is not mentioned?

A. Employees should pay respect to their bosses anytime.

B. Employees should plan beforehand so as to show up at work on time.

C. Employees should not let their mobile phones go off during meetings.

D. Employees should keep their desks neat and organized.


6. D 7. C 8. A 9. D 10. A




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试题分类: 水利
试题分类: 综合知识
C酒业公司位于华南地区,占地 58 万平方米, 年产各类白酒20 万吨。 公司有员工 3000人,安全生产管理部门有专职安全生产管理人员7 人。C酒业公司有粮库1 个,粮食粉碎车间 3 个,发酵酿造车间 12 个,露天储酒罐区 1 个,勾调车间 4 个、灌装车间 8 个、成品酒仓库 8 个、包装物品仓库4 个。动力车间 1 个、设备车间 1 个,污水处理车间1 个,员工食堂 3 个,浴室 5 个。露天储酒罐区位地上式罐区,有1003立式固定顶储罐130 个,储罐之间的距离为0.倍罐径: 250m3历史固定顶储罐100 个。储罐之间的距离为0.9 倍罐径,露天储酒罐区的防护重点是防火、防爆、防泄漏、防雷击。罐区设置避雷针16 组,露天储酒罐区与厂内主干道路边之间的防火距为12m;事故存液地容积为200m3。 粮食粉碎车间通过负责除尘系统收集机械磨碎过程中产生的粮食粉尘,除尘系统使用防静电布袋除尘,除尘管道采用Ф500mm镀锌管道,法兰盘连接,并对法兰盘防静电跨接,管道按规定接地。 C酒业公司为粮食粉碎车间员工配发了防静电服,防静电鞋,防尘口罩和防尘帽。发酵酿造车间窖池属有限空间, 2014 年 10 月曾经发生过一起员工在清理窖池作业时的中毒与窒息事件,因抢救及时,未造成员工伤亡,在此之后,C酒业公司严格执行国家安全生产监督管理总局《有限空间安全作业五条规定》,完善了有限空间作业管理制度。灌装车间为了减少流水线作业噪声对员工的影响,为员工配发了耳塞。动力车间有 10kv 配电室 1 个, 20t/h 锅炉 2 台。设备车间有数控车床8 台,设备车间有数控车床8 台,普通车床 2 台,铣床 2 台,钻床1 台以及电焊、气焊设备,气瓶若干。污水处理车间主要处理发酵酿造过程中的污水,处理量800t/d 。C就业公司另有 10t 桥式起重设备 3 台,5t 桥式起重设备 5 台,客货梯 5 部,场内机动车辆 130 辆(其中叉车 80 辆)以及一支货物运输车队。 2014 年年末安全生产大检查期间,属地人民政府安全生产监督管理部门对C 酒业公司露天储酒罐区进行了专项安全生产检查。检查中注意到,避雷装置上一次检测时间为2014年 3 月,罐区上方架设有临时用电线,罐区作业人员甲、乙身着普通工作服,用真空泵从罐车往储罐输送原酒,罐车罐体未连接到静电释放装置。 问题: 1.根据《职业病分类和目录》 (国卫疾控发 [2013]48 号),辨识 C酒业公司可能存在的职业病类别并说明原因。 2. 指出 C酒业公司特种设备的种类。 3. 简述 C酒业公司在发酵酿造车间严格执行《有限空间安全作业五条规定》(安监总局令第 69 号)的具体内容。 4. 简述 C酒业公司露天储酒罐区存在的事故隐患并说明理由。
试题分类: 安全生产事故案例分析
试题分类: 小学语文