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Scattered through the seas of the world are billions of tons of small plants and animals called plankton. Most of these plants and animals are too small for the human eye to see. They drift about lazily with the currents, providing a basic food for many larger animals. Plankton has been described as the equivalent of the grasses that grow on the dry land continents, and the comparison is an appropriate one. In potential food value however, plankton far outweighs that of the land grasses. One scientist has estimated that while grasses of the world produce about 49 billion tons of valuable carbohydrates each year. The sea’s plankton generates more than twice as much. Despite its enormous food potential, little effort was made until recently to farm plankton as we farm grasses on land. Now marine scientists have at last begun to study this possibility, especially as the sea’s resources loom even more important as a means of feeding an expanding world population. No one yet has seriously suggested that “planktonburgers” may soon become popular around the world. As a possible farmed supplementary food source, however, plankton is gaining considerable interest among marine scientists. One type of plankton that seems to have great harvest possibilities is a tiny shrimplike creature called krill. Growing to two or three inches long, krill provide the major food for the giant blue whale, the largest animal ever to inhabit the Earth. Realizing that this whale may grow 100 feet and weigh 150 tons at maturity, it is not surprising that each one devours more than one ton of krill daily. Krill swim about just below the surface in huge schools sometimes miles wide, mainly in the cold Antarctic. Because of their pink color, they often appear as a solid reddish mass when viewed from a ship or from the air. Krill are very high in food value. A pound of these crustaceans contains about 460 calories—about the same as shrimp or lobster, to which they are related. If the krill can feed such huge creatures as whales, many scientists reason, they must certainly be contenders as new food source for humans. 1.Which of the following best portrays the organization of the passage? A.The author presents the advantages and disadvantages of plankton as a food source. B.The author quotes public opinion to support the argument for farming plankton. C.The author classifies the different food sources according to amount of carbohydrate. D.The author makes a general statement about plankton as a food source and then moves to a specific example. 2.According to the passage, why is plankton regarded to be more valuable than land grasses? A.It is easier to cultivate. B.It produces more carbohydrates. C.It does not require soil. D.It is more palatable. 3.Why does the author mention “planktonburgers”? A.To describe the appearance of one type of plankton. B.To illustrate how much plankton a whale consumes. C.To suggest plankton as a possible food sources. D.To compare the food values of beef and plankton. 4.What is mentioned as one conspicuous feature of krill? A.They are the smallest marine animals. B.They are pink in color. C.They are similar in size to lobsters. D.They have grass like bodies. 5.The author mentions all of the following as reasons why plankton could be considered a human food source except that it is ___. A.high in food value. B.in abundant supply in the oceans. C.an appropriate food for other animals. D.free of chemicals and pollutants.
试题分类: 大学英语六级
试题分类: 初级(口语)
Section C What a lovely place Xerox is to work Kim Moloney, a client services executive, can’t say enough nice things about her employer. ‘It’s a very special environment,’ she says. ‘People describe Xerox as a family and I was amazed at the number of people who have worked here for so long.’ It’s tempting to take Moloney’s comments with a pinch of salt, especially considering that when you’ve been working somewhere for only two years, as she has at Xerox, everyone seems old and established. But there’s truth behind her enthusiasm. Take Carole Palmer, the group resources director. She joined Xerox in 1978 as a temp and has been in her present role for seven years. ‘Xerox has been good to me over the years,’ she says. ‘It has supported me through qualifications … and last year I took part in the vice-president incumbent program.’ Human resources is taken seriously at Xerox, Palmer says, and the company has a policy of promoting from within (which would explain Moloney’s amazement at her colleagues’ longevity). The company takes on only fifteen to twenty graduates each year and Moloney was part of an intake who joined having already acquired a couple of years’ work experience. She started as a project manager for Xerox Global Services before moving into sales. Now her responsibility is to ‘grow and maintain customer relationships’. Moloney is based at the head office in Uxbridge. ‘It’s great in terms of working environment,’ she says. ‘We’ve just got a new provider in the canteen and … we have brainstorming rooms and breakout areas.’ Much of Moloney’s role is visiting clients, so she doesn’t have a permanent desk at head office. ‘I’m a hot-desker, which is good because you get to sit with different people in the hot-desk areas. And you’re given a place to store your things.’ Head office staff numbers between 1,200 and 1,500 people, Palmer says. The company has four other main offices in the UK. The nature of the organization, which encompasses sales and marketing, global services (the biggest division), developing markets, research and development and manufacturing, means that the opportunities at the company vary from service engineers to sales roles and consultants. Perks include a final-salary pension scheme and various discount schemes. The reward and recognition scheme is a little different, and rather nice: ‘Each manager has a budget every year to recognize and reward staff,’ Palmer says. ‘It can be in the form of a meal for two, or a bottle of wine. It can be up to £1,000. There’s the recognition, and then there’s putting money behind it.’ Moloney, however, likes the non-cash rewards. ‘Xerox takes care of all its staff but it also recognizes the people who put in the added effort,’ she says. ‘It offers once-in-a-lifetime incentive trips, and recently I organized a sailing trip for my team.’ The idea of working abroad with the company appeals to her, and she says that her career goal is to be part of the senior management team. Here’s another employee, it would seem, who is in it for the long haul. ( )1.The journalist of this article thinks that . A. staff at Xerox are not telling the truth abut the company. B. Xerox offers great benefits to staff. C. Xerox is the best company in the world. D. Xerox has the best working environment. ( )2.The company tends to find its new manager . A. only form graduates B. on training courses C. from existing staff D. from job markets ( )3.What does the phrase “to take on” in the sentence “The company takes on only fifteen to twenty graduates each year and …” of the second paragraph mean? . A. To train B. To employ C. To interview D. To maintain(A) ( )4.As well as recognizing its staff through promotion, Xerox . A. gives cash bonuses B. gives unpaid leave to take trips of a lifetime. C. provides a number of perks. D. provides huge end-of-year bonuses. ( )5.One common feature of Xerox staff is that they tend . A. to work hard B. to get promoted C. work longer hours each day D. not to change employer
试题分类: 初级(阅读)
试题分类: 初级(口语)
The discovery of the Antarctic not only proved one of the most interesting of all geographical adventures, but created what might be called “the heroic age of Antarctic exploration”. By their tremendous heroism, men such as Shakleton, Scott, and Amundsen caused a new continent to emerge from the shadows, and yet that heroic age, little more than a century old, is already passing. Modern science and inventions are revolutionizing the endurance, future journeys into these icy wastes will probably depend on motor vehicles equipped with caterpillar traction rather than on the dogsthat earlier discoverers found so invaluable and hardly comparable. Few realize that this Antarctic continent is almost equal in size to South America, and enormous field of work awaits geographers and prospectors. The coasts of this continent remain to be accurately charted, and the maping of the whole of the interior presents a formidable task to the cartographers who undertake the work. Once their labors are completed, it will be possible to prospect the vast natural resources which scientists believe will furnish one of the largest treasure hoards of metals and minerals the world has yet known, and almost inexhaustible sources of copper,coal, uranium, and many other ores will become available to man. Such discoveries will usher in an era of practical exploitation of the Antarctic wastes. The polar darkness which hides this continent for the six winter months will be defeated by huge batteries of light, and make possible the establishing of air-fields for the future inter-continental air services by making these areas as light as day. Present flying routes will be completely changed, for the Antarctic refueling bases will make flights from Australia to South America comparatively easy over the 5,000 miles journey. The climate is not likely to offer an insuperable problem, for the explorer Admiral Byrd has shown that the climate is possible even for men completely untrained for expeditions into those frozen wastes. Some of his parties were men who had never seen snow before, and yet he records that they survived the rigors of the Antarctic climate comfortably, so that, provided that the appropriate installations are made, we may assume that human beings from all countries could live there safely. Byrd even affirms that it is probably the most healthy climate in the world, for the intense cold of thousands of years has sterilize this continent, and rendered it absolutely germfree, with the consequences that ordinary and extraordinary sickness and diseases from which man suffers in other zones with different climates are here utterly unknown. There exist no problems of conservation and preservation of food supplies, for the latter keep indefinitely without any signs of deterioration; it may even be that later generations will come to regard the Antarctic as the natural storehouse for the whole world. Plans are already on foot to set up permanent bases on the shores of this continent, and what so few years ago was regarded as a “dead continent” now promises to be a most active center of human life and endeavor. 1.When did man begin to explore the Antarctic? A.About 100years ago. B.In this century. C.At the beginning of the 19th century. D.In 1798. 2.What must the explorers be, even though they have modern equipment and techniques? A.Brave and tough B.Stubborn and arrogant. C.Well-liked and humorous. D.Stout and smart. 3.The most healthy climate in the world is___. A.in South America. B.in the Arctic Region. C.in the Antarctic Continent. D.in the Atlantic Ocean. 4.What kind of metals and minerals can we find in the Antarctic? A.Magnetite, coal and ores. B.Copper, coal and uranium. C.Silver, natural gas and uranium. D.Aluminum, copper and natural gas. 5.What is planned for the continent? A.Building dams along the coasts. B.Setting up several summer resorts along the coasts. C.Mapping the coast and whole territory. D.Setting up permanent bases on the coasts.
试题分类: 大学英语六级