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Without regular supplies of some hormones our capacity to behave would be seriously impaired; without others we would soon die. Tiny amounts of some hormones can modify moods and actions, our inclination to eat or drink, our aggressiveness or submissiveness, and our reproductive and parental behavior. And hormones do more than influence adult behavior; early in life they help to determine the development of bodily form and may even determine an individual’s behavioral capacities. Later in life the changing outputs of some endocrine glands and the body’s changing sensitivity to some hormones are essential aspects of the phenomena of aging. Communication within the body and the consequent integration of behavior were considered the exclusive province of the nervous system up to the beginning of the present century. The emergence of endocrinology as a separate discipline can probably be traced to the experiments of Bayliss and Starling on the hormone secretion. This substance is secreted from cells in the intestinal walls when food enters the stomach; it travels through the bloodstream and stimulates the pancreas to liberate pancreatic juice, which aids in digestion. By showing that special cells secret chemical agents that are conveyed by the bloodstream and regulate distant target organs or tissues. Bayliss and starling demonstrated that chemical integration could occur without participation of the nervous system. The term “hormone” was first used with reference to secretion. Starling derived the term from the Greek hormone, meaning “to excite or set in motion. The term “endocrine” was introduced shortly thereafter “Endocrine” is used to refer to glands that secret products into the bloodstream. The term “endocrine” contrasts with “exocrine”, which is applied to glands that secret their products though ducts to the site of action. Examples of exocrine glands are the tear glands, the sweat glands, and the pancreas, which secrets pancreatic juice through a duct into the intestine. Exocrine glands are also called duct glands, while endocrine glands are called ductless. 1.What is the author’s main purpose in the passage? A.To explain the specific functions of various hormones. B.To provide general information about hormones. C.To explain how the term “hormone” evolved. D.To report on experiments in endocrinology. 2.The passage supports which of the following conclusions? A.The human body requires large amounts of most hormones. B.Synthetic hormones can replace a person’s natural supply of hormones if necessary. C.The quantity of hormones produced and their effects on the body are related to a person’s age. D.The short child of tall parents very likely had a hormone deficiency early in life. 3.It can be inferred from the passage that before the Bayliss and Starling experiments, most people believed that chemical integration occurred only___. A.during sleep. B.in the endocrine glands. C.under control of the nervous system. D.during strenuous exercise. 4.The word “liberate” could best be replaced by which of the following? A.Emancipate B.Discharge C.Surrender D.Save 5.According to the passage another term for exocrine glands is___. A.duct glands B.endocrine glands C.ductless glands D.intestinal glands.
试题分类: 大学英语六级
Investing thousands of pounds in the recruitment and training of each new graduate recruit may be just the beginning. Choosing the wrong candidate may leave an organisation paying for years to come. Few companies will have escaped all of the following failures: people who panic at the first sight of stress; those with long impressive qualifications who seem incapable of learning; hypochondriacs whose absentee record becomes astonishing; and the unstable person later discovered to be a thief or worse. Less dramatic, but just as much a problem, is the person who simply does not come up to expectations, who does not quite deliver; who never becomes a high-flier or even a steady performer; the employee with a fine future behind them. The first point to bear in mind at the recruitment stage is that people don’t change. Intelligence levels decline modestly, but change little over their working life. The same is true of abilities, such as learning languages and handling numbers. Most people like to think that personality can change, particularly the more negative features such as anxiety, low esteem, impulsiveness or a lack of emotional warmth. But data collected over 50 years gives a clear message: still stable after all these years. Extroverts become slightly less extroverted; the acutely shy appear a little less so, but the fundamentals remain much the same. Personal crises can affect the way we cope with things: we might take up or drop drink, drugs, religion or relaxation techniques, which can be have pretty dramatic effects. Skills can be improved, and new ones introduced, but at rather different rates. People can be groomed for a job. Just as politicians are carefully repackaged through dress, hairstyle and speech specialists, so people can be sent on training courses, diplomas or experimental weekends. But there is a cost to all this which may be more than the price of the course. Better to select for what you actually see rather than attempt to change it. ( )1. The purpose of this passage is to give managers the advice that . A. Employers should select candidates for their potential. B. Employers should select candidates for what they are rather than for their potential. C. Employers should select the newly graduated and send them on training courses, diplomas or experimental weekends. D. Employers should select experienced candidates to avoid spending thousands of pounds in training. ( )2. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true? . A. Absolutely, People don’t change during their working lives. B. Generally, people change to a large extent during their working lives. C. Fundamentally, people stay the same during their working lives. D. Normally, people don’t change at all during their working lives. ( )3. What does a fine future behind them (line 3 of paragraph 3) means? . A. Some people will certainly have a promising future though they are not very competent in their present work. B. Some people don’t have any potential for their work though they are employed. C. Some people can have a bright future though they can’t do their work well. D. Some people have potential when they are employed, but never realize that potential. ( )4. According to the passage, people’s basic abilities like language learning and numeracy . A. change little over their working life. B. never change over their working life. C. change fundamentally over their working life. D. change profoundly over their working life. ( )5. The word deliver (line 2 of paragraph 3) means . A. to take goods to the places or people they are addressed to B. to give a speech C. to do what you promised to do D. to help a woman to give birth to a baby.
试题分类: 初级(阅读)
Passage 3 Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage: Unlike their American or European counterparts, car salesmen in Japan work hard to get a buyer. Instead of lying lazily around showrooms waiting for customers to drop by, many Japanese car salesmen still go out to get them. They walk wearily along the streets cars door-to-door. New customers are hunted with fruit and cakes on their birthdays. But life is getting tough, and not just because new-car sales are falling. With more Japanese women (who often control the household budget) going out to work, the salesmen increasingly find nobody at home when they call. That means another visit in the evening or the weekend. Then they face an extra problem: more people, especially the young, prefer to choose a new car from a showroom where they can compare different models. Even as late as the mid-1980s some 90% of new cars were sold door-to-door. In some rural areas most new cars are still sold this way. But in the big cities more than half the new cars are now sold from showrooms. Although investing in showrooms is expensive because of the high cost of Japanese land, dealers have little choice. A labor shortage and higher among Japan’s workforce are making it difficult to hire door-to-door salesmen. Most of a Japanese car salesman’s working day is spent doing favors for customers, like arranging insurance or picking up vehicles for servicing, rather than actually selling. Japan’s doorstep car salesmen are not about to vanish. The personal service they provide is so deep-rooted in Japan that they are likely to operate alongside the glittering new showrooms. The two systems even complement each other. What increasingly happens is that the showroom attracts the interest of a potential buyer, giving the footsore salesmen a firm lead to follow up with a home visit. 11. Japanese car sales usually do not wait at showrooms for customers to drop by; instead, . A. they sell cars door-to-door B. they buy presents for their customers C. they enjoy themselves in recreation centers D. they go out to do market researches 12. Implied but stated: the competition in car market is . A. light B. moderate C. fierce D. unfair 13. Young people like to buy a new car . A. at home B. from a showroom C. made in the U.S.A. D. made in Japan 14. The squadron of Japanese car salesmen is reducing because of . A. a labor shortage B. higher expectations among Japan’s workforce C. high cost land D. both A and B 15. Japanese car salesmen to their customers many favors such as . A. showing them around in an exhibition B. arranging insurance C. paying them a visit on weekends D. selling ole cars for them
试题分类: 大学英语六级
试题分类: 写作
Directions: There are ten blanks in the following passage. You are required to choose the best one from the given four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Then write down the correct answer in the brackets. This section totals 10 points, one point for each blank. Before marketing yourself globally, it is important to 1 your business is ready to deal with challenges presented by the international environment 2 language and cultural barriers, foreign laws, order fulfillment, and pre/post sales support. Language and Culture - Neither technical accuracy 3 perfect translation is sufficient when considering the language you will communicate through. It is important to really understand how a language is used by the people in your 4 market. Regional Laws - All phases of product 5 are affected by regulations. The product itself, such as its physical and chemical aspects, is subject to laws 6 to protect consumers with respect to purity, safety or performance. Product features such as packaging and warranties, advertising, sales promotion techniques are also subject to local regulations. Order Fulfillment - How will you deliver your products? What business partners will you need to ensure smooth logistics of your product? Can you handle your shipment costs? If you cannot 7 demand or ensure smooth delivery of your product, you are at risk of negatively affecting your business and its image. It is important to find and qualify 8 distributors, and pay particular attention to contract negotiation and distribution management. Pre and Post Sales Support - 9 with your customers as well as your business partners is an important consideration when marketing and selling internationally. Many businesses are able to meet customer expectations through strategic alliances or foreign distributors who deal with the local customer base on their 10 . ( )1 A. ensure B. assure C. reassure D. sure ( )2 A. excluding B. excluded C. including D. included ( )3 A. so B. nor C. and D. or ( )4 A. local B. own C. target D. home ( )5 A. sales B. exhibition C. promotion D. development ( )6 A. planned B. proposed C. supposed D. designed ( )7 A. meet B. run into C. encounter D. face ( )8 A. potent B. polite C. ethical D. potential ( )9 A. Connection B. Communication C. Link D. Contact ( )10 A. account B. part C. behalf D. market
试题分类: 初级(阅读)