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可湿性粉剂(WP)是用农药原药、惰性填料和一定 量的助剂,按比例经充分混合粉碎后,达到一定粉粒细度的剂型。从形状上看,与粉剂无区别,但是由于加入了湿润剂、分散剂等助剂,加到水中后能被水湿润、分散、形成悬浮液,可喷洒施用。与乳油相比,可湿性粉剂生产成本低,可用纸袋或塑料袋包装,储运方便、安全,包装材料比较容易处理;更重要的是,可湿性粉剂不使用溶剂和乳化剂,对植物较安全,不易产生药害,对环境安全,在果实套袋前使用,可避免有机溶剂对果面的刺激。常用的品种有:10%的吡虫啉粉剂、70%的甲基托布津粉剂、25%扑虱灵等。可溶性粉剂是指可溶于水的粉剂和农药。农药的-种加工剂型。由水溶性较大的农药原药,或水溶性较差的原药附加了亲水基,与水溶性无机盐和吸附剂等混合磨细后制成。粉粒细度要求98%通过80目筛。其有效成分可溶于水,其填料能极细地均匀分散到水中。本剂型防治效果比可湿性粉剂高,使用方便,便于包装运输。但湿润展布性能比乳剂差。可溶性粉剂及可湿性粉剂均易被雨水冲刷而污染土壤和水体。故应选择雨后有几个晴天时对农田施药,以减少污染。可溶性粉剂系指药物或与十一的辅料经粉碎、均匀混合制成的可溶于水的干燥粉末状制剂,专用于饮水给药。在水中不溶或分散性差、水溶液不稳定、挥发性大的药物不宜制成可溶性粉。









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试题分类: 市场信息学
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试题分类: 教育管理原理
试题分类: 市场信息学
试题分类: 美学
试题分类: 电子商务与电子政务
If you do not find the required information using the tips from the previous section, then you need to consult an online service to find the piece of information you were looking for. Three different types of services have been established over the years: crawlers, directories and meta search engines. The first crawler was created back in 1993. It was called the World Wide Worm. It crawled from one site to the next and indexed all pages by saving the content of the web pages into a huge database. Crawlers or spiders visit a web page, read it, and then follow links to other pages within the site and even follow links to other sites. Web crawlers return to each site on a regular basis, such as every month or two, to look for changes. Everything a crawler finds goes into a database, which people are able to query. The advantage of the web crawlers is that they have an extensive database with almost the complete Internet indexed in it. The disadvantage is that you get thousands of web pages as a response for almost any request. Web directories work a little differently. First of all they contain a structured tree of information. All information entered into this tree is either entered by the webmaster who wants to announce his new web page or by the directory maintainer who looks at the web pages submitted. The directories where webmasters can submit both the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) and the description normally contain more misleading information. Getting into most web directories is a combination of luck and quality. Although anyone is able to submit a web page, there is no guarantee that a certain page will be included. Some directories charge for submission, which is basically a rip-off. Some crawlers maintain an associated directory. If your site is in the directory, the ranking of your web site normally will be higher, as it is already pre-classified. Many directories work with crawlers together, in order to deliver results, when nothing can be found in the directory. Meta search engines do not have a database with URLs and descriptions. Instead they have a database of search engines. If you enter your keywords into a meta search engine it will send out requests to all the directories and crawlers it has stored in its database. The meta search engines with a more sophisticated application in the background are able to detect double URLs which come back from the various search engines and present only a single URL to the customer. 34. Crawler is a kind of__________. A. worm B. search engine C. service D. directory 35. The disadvantage of Crawler is that it__________. A. provides a complete database B. takes too much time to find the needed information C. provides too much useless information D. gives response to every quest 36. Who can input information to the web directories? A. Only webmasters. B. Both directory maintainers and webmasters. C. Any one who wants to announce a web page. D. Any one who has found a new web page.
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