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试题分类: 施工员
背景资料: A施工单位总包一炼钢厂项目,其中的连铸安装工程分包B 安装公司,该公司及时组建了项目部,项目部在组 织施工过程中发生以下情况: 情况一:项目部按工业安装工程质量验评项目划分规定对安装工程项目进行了划分,其中有连铸安装工程、机械设备安装工程、蒸汽排除风机安装工程、电气安装工程、自动化仪表安装工程等。 情况二:在自动化仪表工程施工完毕后,进行了综合控制系统试验,然后编制竣工资料,准备交工验收。 情况三:项目部安装完成后,向建设单位要求办理交工验收手续,建设单位以不符合工程验收的规定而拒绝了项目部的要求。 情况四:施工合同按《建设工程质量管理条例》规定签订了在正常使用条件下的最低保修期限。 该工程生产线在正常运行4 年后,因设备故障、电气管线故障、给排水管网阀门漏水、中央控制室的供热和供冷系统失效而导致停产。建设单位发函要求该施工单位进行保修。施工单位以超过了保修期婉拒建设单位的要求。 问题: 1. 按质量验评标准规定,指出情况一中所列项目哪些属单位工程?哪些属分部工程和分项工程? 2. 情况二中,自动化仪表在综合控制系统试验后编制竣工资料,准备交工验收是否正确?为什么? 3. 该工程验收必须符合哪些规定? 4. 该工程中设备安装、电气管线、给水排水管道、供热和供冷系统的最低保修期限是多少?
试题分类: 安全员
Part II Vocabulary and Structure Directions: In this part there are forty incomplete sentences. Each sentence is followed by four choices. Choose the one that best completes the sentence and then mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 21. The teacher the students on a tour through the art museum. A. made B. indicated C. forced D. took 22. Tom’s parents died when he was a child, so he was by his relatives. A. grown up B. brought up C. raised D. fed up 23. Here is my card. Let’s keep in . A. touch B. relation C. connection D. friendship 24. So far there is no proof people from other planets do exist. A. which B. how C. what D. that 25. The newspapers reported yesterday several on the boundaries of these two countries. A. incidents B. happenings C. events D. accidents 26. We’ve worked out the plan and now we must put it into . A. fact B. reality C. practice D. deed 27. He didn’t and so he failed the examination. A. work enough hard B. hard work enough C. hard enough work D. work hard enough 28. Not until Mr. Smith came to China what kind of country she is. A. he knew B. he didn’t know C. did he know D. he couldn’t know 29. Scientists say it may be ten years this medicine was put to use. A. since B. before C. after D. when 30. In some countries, is called “equality” does not really mean equal rights for all people. A. that B. what C. which D. how 31. We didn’t know his telephone number, otherwise we him. A. would telephone B. would have telephone C. had telephoned D. must have telephoned 32. We’ve missed the last bus, I’m afraid we have no but to take a taxi. A. way B. possibility C. choice D. selection 33. Luckily, most sheep the flood last month. A. endured B. survived C. lived D. passed 34. My parents always let me have my own of living. A. way B. method C. manner D. fashion 35. Like other language skills, reading requires practice. A. the most of B. much of the C. most of the D. more of the 36. It is only through practice one will be able to swim skillfully. A. what B. who C. that D. which 37. The brain is capable of ignoring pain message of to concentrate on other activities. A. it allowed B. is it allowed C. allowed D. allowed it 38. Don’t worry, I have already them the decision. A. informed; with B. informed; of C. informed; for D. informed; that 39. The child was sorry his mother when he arrived at the station. A. to miss B. having missed C. missing D. to have missed 40. I wonder why he to discuss the problem at the meeting. A. declined B. rejected C. refused D. delayed 41. You can hang up what you like on these walls. A. bare B. empty C. blank D. vacant 42. According to a , the majority would rather have newspapers without a government than a government without newspapers. A. election B. campaign C. poll D. vote 43. The population of the village has decreased 150 to 500. A. in B. at C. by D. with 44. It seems that there is that I can’t do. A. nothing B. anything C. everything D. none 45. They are often caring more about animals than human beings. A. accused if B. accused with C. charged of D. charged for 46. a good beginning is made, the word is half done. A. As soon as B. While C. As D. Once 47. George could not his foolish mistake. A. account in B. count on C. count for D. account for 48. We came into this field late, so we must work hard to the lost time. A. make up for B. make out C. keep up with D. put up with 49. The new law will came into on the day it is passed. A. effect B. use C. service D. existence 50. We can separate the mixture into the pure chemical compounds it is composed. A. in which B. of what C. of which D. from which 51. Mrs. Lincoln has that she is unable to get a job. A. such small education B. so little education C. a such little education D. a so small education 52. She can’t prevent her little boy shooting birds. A. from; to B. on; at C. with; up D. from; at 53. Many countries are increasing their use of natural gas, wind and other forms of . A. energy B. source C. power D. material 54. A darkened sky in the daytime is usually and indication that a storm is . A. possible coming B. about to take place C. close by D. expected to be severe 55. We all know that speak louder than words. A. movements B. performance C. operations D. actions 56. , he could not cover the whole distance in fifteen minutes. A. Fast as he can B. As he can ran fast C. If he can ran fast D. Since he ran fast 57. Agricultural production in that country has increased in recent years. A. vastly B. strikingly C. considerably D. extremely 58. Peter has planned to some money every month so that he can buy a used car next year. A. set aside B. set up C. set in D. set along 59. Although I spoke to him many times, he never took any of what I said. A. attention B. notice C. warning D. observation 60. They overcame all the difficulties and fulfilled the plan three months ahead of time, is something we had not expected. A. that B. what C. it D. which
试题分类: 大学英语六级
某水库枢纽工程有主坝、副坝、溢洪道、电站及灌溉引水隧洞等建筑物组成,水库总库容 5.84x108m3,电站装机容量6.0MW,主坝为粘土心墙土石坝最大坝高90.3 米,灌溉引水洞引水 流量 45m3/s,溢洪道控制段共5 孔,每孔净宽 15 米,程施工过程中发生如下 事件: 事件一:为加强工程施工安全生产管理,根据《水利工程施工安全管理导则》 (SL721-2015 )第 14 页 共 21 页等有关 规定,项目法人组织制定了安全目标管理制度,安全设施“三同时”管理制度等多项安全生产管理制度并对施工单位安全生产许可证,三类人员安全生产考核合格证及特种作业人员持证上岗等情况进行核查。 事件二:工程开工前,施工单位根据《水电水利工程施工重大危险源辨识及评价导则》(DL/T5274~2012),对各单位工程的重大危险源分别进行了辨识和评价,通过作业条件危险性评价,部分单位工程危险性大小值及事故可能造成的人员伤亡,数量和财产损失情况如下: 主坝: 危险性大小值 D 为 240 ,可能造成 10 ~20 人死亡,直接经济损失,2000~3000万元, 副坝:危险性大小值 D 为 120 ,可能造成 1 ~2 人死亡,直接经济损失,200~300万元, 溢洪道:危险性大小值D 为 270 ,可能造成 3 ~5 人死亡,直接经济损失,300~400 万 引水洞: 危险性大小值 D 为 540 ,可能造成 1 ~2 人死亡, 直接经济损失, 1000~1500 万元 事件三:电站基坑开挖前,施工单位编制了施工措施计划部分内容如下: (1)施工用电有系统电网接入,现场安装变压器一台; (2)基坑采用明挖施工,开挖深度95 米,下部岩石采用爆破作业,规定每次装药量不得大于 50kg ,雷 雨天气禁止爆破作业; (3)电站厂房墩墙采用落地式式钢管脚手架施工,墩墙最大高度26m ; (4)混凝土浇筑采用,塔式起重机进行垂直运输,每次混凝土运输量不超过6m3,并要求风力超过 7 级暂停施工。 【问题】 1. 指出本水库枢纽工程的等别、电站主要建筑物和临时建筑物的级别,以及本工程施工项目负责人应具有的建造师级别。 2. 根据《水利工程建设安全生产管理规定》(水利部令第 26 号)和《水利工程施正安全管理导 则》(SL721-2015 ),说明事件一中“三类人员”和“三同时”所代表的具体内容。 3. 根据《水电水利工程施工重大危险源辨识及评价导则》(DL/T5274-2012 ),依据事故可能造成人员伤亡数量及财产损失情况,重大危险源共划分为几级?根据事件二的评价结果分别说明主坝、副坝、溢洪道、引水洞单位工程的重大危险源级别。 4. 根据《水电水利工程施工重大危险源辨识及评价导则》(DL/T5274-2012 ),在事件三涉及的生产、施工作业中,宜列入重大危险源重点评价对象的有哪些?
试题分类: 一级建造师