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When visiting foreign countries some people think that it is advantageous to learn their cultures and traditions. How do you think people can learn other cultures and traditions? Why do you think that some people are interested in learning those traditions and cultures while others are not? Give reasons for your opinion and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience

It is common to experience culture shock when visiting other countries with different traditions and customs, particularly for an extended period of time. Some visitors are interested in adapting to foreign cultures and effectively manage culture shock; some people are not. There are several reasons why we can better enjoy travelling with an open mind and develop an appreciation for cultural differences across the world .

As visitors in foreign lands, we are probably in for the feeling of disorientation, insecurity and anxiety in unfamiliar situations. altogether known as culture shock. This phenomenon is understandable because values, behaviors and social customs we routinely take for granted no longer serve us in different surroundings. Of course, it takes time to learn a 'do-as-Romans-do' attitude, but it is always advisable to keep an open mind. We ought not to give in to the temptation to isolate ourselves into the comfort of what is familiar. Perhaps, all we need is a little more patience to understand the new environment in its historical and social context. In all events, the right thing to do is to observe objectively, and not to judge automatically as if anything different is 'wrong' or 'negative'.

To better appreciate differences culture-wise, it is also important that we learn beforehand enough background information about a country we are ging to. In case we know close to nothing about that country, it means that we might have no interest in its culture, so why should we visit there in the first place? For visitors, a little bit of knowledge about a foreign culture tends to be misleading. But it doesn`t have to be that way. For instance, making an effort to learn the local language and social customs can increase communication skills and proper behaviors, both being of great help to demonstrate an interest in a different culture as well as integrating with the local community. In fact, before travelling it pays to learn something of many things about a foreign country's culture and tradition, ranging from the greetings to the clothing to the before-meal ceremonies.

Visiting a foreign country can be a rewarding experience if we are open-minded and knowledge-conscious toward any different culture. It seems necessary to reduce the negative impact of culture shock so that the entire visit would become pure fun. After all, when we come across a new environment, we don't expect to experience everything exactly like back home, do we?









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试题分类: 水电
C酒业公司位于华南地区,占地58万平方米,年产各类白酒20万吨。公司有员工3000人,安全生产管理部门有专职安全生产管理人员7人。C酒业公司有粮库1个,粮食粉碎车间3个,发酵酿造车间12个,露天储酒罐区1个,勾调车间4个、灌装车间8个、成品酒仓库8个、包装物品仓库4个。动力车间1个、设备车间1个,污水处理车间1个,员工食堂3个,浴室5个。露天储酒罐区位地上式罐区,有1003立式固定顶储罐130个,储罐之间的距离为0.倍罐径:250m3历史固定顶储罐100个。储罐之间的距离为0.9倍罐径,露天储酒罐区的防护重点是防火、防爆、防泄漏、防雷击。罐区设置避雷针16组,露天储酒罐区与厂内主干道路边之间的防火距为12m;事故存液地容积为200m3。 粮食粉碎车间通过负责除尘系统收集机械磨碎过程中产生的粮食粉尘,除尘系统使用防静电布袋除尘,除尘管道采用Ф500mm镀锌管道,法兰盘连接,并对法兰盘防静电跨接,管道按规定接地。C酒业公司为粮食粉碎车间员工配发了防静电服,防静电鞋,防尘口罩和防尘帽。发酵酿造车间窖池属有限空间, 2014年10月曾经发生过一起员工在清理窖池作业时的中毒与窒息事件,因抢救及时,未造成员工伤亡,在此之后,C酒业公司严格执行国家安全生产监督管理总局《有限空间安全作业五条规定》,完善了有限空间作业管理制度。灌装车间为了减少流水线作业噪声对员工的影响,为员工配发了耳塞。动力车间有10kv配电室1个,20t/h锅炉2台。设备车间有数控车床8台,设备车间有数控车床8台,普通车床2台,铣床2台,钻床1台以及电焊、气焊设备,气瓶若干。污水处理车间主要处理发酵酿造过程中的污水,处理量800t/d。C就业公司另有10t桥式起重设备3台,5t桥式起重设备5台,客货梯5部,场内机动车辆130辆(其中叉车80辆)以及一支货物运输车队。 2014年年末安全生产大检查期间,属地人民政府安全生产监督管理部门对C酒业公司露天储酒罐区进行了专项安全生产检查。检查中注意到,避雷装置上一次检测时间为2014年3月,罐区上方架设有临时用电线,罐区作业人员甲、乙身着普通工作服,用真空泵从罐车往储罐输送原酒,罐车罐体未连接到静电释放装置。 问题: 1.根据《职业病分类和目录》(国卫疾控发[2013]48号),辨识C酒业公司可能存在的职业病类别并说明原因。 2.指出C酒业公司特种设备的种类。 3.简述C酒业公司在发酵酿造车间严格执行《有限空间安全作业五条规定》(安监总局令第69号)的具体内容。 4.简述C酒业公司露天储酒罐区存在的事故隐患并说明理由。
试题分类: 安全生产事故案例分析
背景资料: 某建设单位新建一工业项目,经招标,机电工程由具备机电工程总承包一级资格的A安装工程公司总承包。其中,车间内的消防工程、锅炉房工程、变电所工程由建设单位直接发包给具有专业资质的B公司。合同规定,施工现场管理由A公司总负责,工程项目主材由A公司提供,工程设备由建设单位指定厂家,A公司负责采购并与制造厂商签订合同。A、B两个公司都分别组建了项目部。在施工过程中,发生如下事件: 事件1:监理公司发现B公司在锅炉安装施工前,没有办理书面告知手续就进行施工,施工作业人员没有持证上岗,便指令B公司停工。 事件2:由于A公司采购的变压器延期一个月到现场,致使B公司发生窝工和停工,造成经济损失,B公司向A公司提出索赔。 事件3:A公司在跟制造商签订采购合同以后,积极督促制造商,并且经常与之协调,保证了设备的按时供应。 事件4:消防工程验收时,B施工单位提交的有关验收技术资料不完整,公安消防监督机构不予验收。消防工程竣工后,建设单位向公安消防监督机构提交工程消防验收申请,填写了《建筑工程消防验收申报表》,要求公安消防监督机构进行消防验收并投入使用,但公安消防监督机构不受理。 问题: 1.在事件1中,说明监理公司指令B公司停工的理由。锅炉安装工程应配备哪些主要的特种作业人员? 2.在事件2中,B公司向A公司提出索赔,是否合理?说明理由。 3.在事件3中,A公司与供货商协调了哪些方面的问题? 4.通过事件4,说明消防工程验收的条件。
试题分类: 机电
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