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Say No to Pirated Products

No one can have failed to notice the fact that piracyhas become a grave problem with which we are confronted. Taking a look around, we can find examples tool numerous to list. In many places we see people peddling pirated books or disks. There is hardly anyone who has not been asked the question: “Wanna a disk?”Actually, piracyhas become so widespread that it has severely affected people’s life and hindered the development of the nation’s economy and culture.

A number of factors could be responsible for this phenomenon, but the following are the most critical ones. First, pirated products are much cheaper than copyrighted ones, so they are very attractive to people, especially youngsters, who are not financially well-off. Secondly, with highly developed technology, it is not difficult to manufacture pirated products. An average person can produce thousands of copies of a film only if he has a computer and a recorder, which won’t cost him much. Last but not least, relevant laws are not in existence or in effect.

Piracy is bound to generate severe consequences if we keep turning a blind eye to it. First, intellectual property rightsare severely infringed upon and honest producers will lose the motivation to develop new products.As a result, the nation’s economy and culture will stay where they are and see no progress.Meanwhile, pirated products are often of low quality,thus damaging the interest of buyers, especially customers who wish to purchase copyrighted products.Finally, the destruction of pirated products means a grievous waste of the nation’s resources. It is really upsetting to see thousands of pirated books burnt or millions of pirated DVDs of films and music crushed.

In view of the seriousness of the problem,effective measures must be taken before things get worse.First, it isessential that pertinent laws and regulations be worked out and rigidly enforced to ban the manufacture and circulation of pirated products.Meanwhile, a deep-going, widespread and everlasting campaign should be launched to enhance people’s awareness of protecting intellectual property rights and saying no to pirated products.With proper laws and an alert public, it will be only a matter of time before piracybecomes a thing of the past. /With these measures taken, we have reasons to believe that the problem can be solved in the near future./Only with these measures taken can we expect a bright future.





In China, to restore lost property to its original owner is regarded as one of the most cherished virtues. However, the draft property rights law stipulates that property Owners should pay some money to the one who returns the property. Is it a deviation from traditional values? Write a composition of about 400 words to state your view.

In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.

You should supply an appropriate title for your essay.

Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

He concluded his speech with a remark that failure ____the mother of success.

I don’t understand ____ believe him.


I ’ve nev er been out of China___________. What about you?

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试题分类: 社会救助员
某大型综合利用水利枢纽工程,投资65480万元。其建设过程中的部分主要活动按发生时间顺序列举如下: 1.按照有关审批权限规定,项目建议书于2001年2月10日经国家发展和改革委员会审批通过。 2.于2001年3月正式成立项目法人。 3.按照有关审批权限规定,项目可行性研究报告于2002年3月15日经国家发展和改革委员会审批通过。 4.2002年4月5日,经项目法人研究决定直接委托设计单位。 5.2002年4月10日组织施工用水、电、通信、路等工程招标,经项目法人研究决定采用议标形式。 6.2002年8月6日组织导流洞施工招标,经项目法人研究决定采用邀请招标形式。 7.按照有关审批权限规定,2002年10月10日,初步设计经水利部审批通过。 8.项目主体工程大坝标、电站标、引水隧洞标、下游灌渠标于2002年12月20日通过公开招标签订施工合同,分别承包给承包人A、B、C、D。经项目法人研究决定,溢洪道闸门、启闭设备等于2002年12月30日直接委托生产厂家加工;水轮机、发电机、变压器等设备分别于2003年1月6日、9日、12日通过议标形式与国内厂家签订采购合同。 9.2003年2月18日,通过公开招标委托一家监理单位并签订合同。 10.A、B、C、D承包人分别于2003年2月10日、15日、18日、22日进场。 11.监理人于2003年2月25日进场开展监理工作。 12.为了改善水库运行方式,既保证水库安全又增加兴利效益,对原有溢洪道进行了设计修改。设计修改方案于2003年3月20日经项目法人组织设计单位、监理等单位以及权威专家举行专题会议论证通过,监理机构依据会议纪要于2003年3月21日签发变更指示,由承包人实施。 13.下游灌渠标、引水隧洞标、大坝标、电站标分别于2004年3月20日、2004年3月30日、2004年4月1日、2004年4月20日通过完工并办理移交,2004年5月1日通过试运行,工程投入生产。14.该工程于2004年10月30日通过竣工验收,工程进入保修期。15.工程于2005年10月29日保修期终止后,及时正式成立工程管理单位,解散项目法人。 【问题】 (1)上述工程建设中的部分主要活动哪些地方违反了水利工程建设程序的有关规定?请简要说明理由。 (2)除了(1)中所述程序外,上述哪些活动内容本身构成违法或违规行为?
试题分类: 案例分析
试题分类: 专业知识
某工业园引入一中外合资经营投资项目。项目投资总额(含增值税)为8000万美元,其中,建筑工程费10000万元,安装工程费3000万元,工程建设其他费用5500万元,预备费3500万元。合资公司注册资本占投资总额40%,由中外双方按6:4的股份比例出资。注册资本全部用于建设投资,其余所需资金由银行贷款解决。项目建设期2年,资金使用比例各年均50%。注册资本和建设投资借款在各年年内均衡发生,借款年利率为5%,每年计息一次,建设期内不支付利息。项目外汇为1000万美元,全部用于支付进口设备原值(离岸价),从属费用按设备原值的25%以人民币计算,其中1台进口设备A的增值税为200万元,增值税税率为16%,设备关税税率为5%,设备的国内运杂费忽略不计。国内设备购置为12000万元(含增值税)。项目投资所含增值税在生产期抵扣,各项费用除注明以美元计外,均为人民币计。外汇汇率按照1美元=6.66元人民币计。(要求累出计算过程,计算结果保留两位小数) 问题: 1、计算该投资项目中外双方各自的全权出资额(以美元计),并说明注册资本的出资方式有哪些? 2、除了进口设备的增值税和关税,一般进口设备的从属费用还可能包括哪几项? 3、计算项目的设备购置费和建设投资。 4、在可行性研究阶段,暂定认为进口货物到岸价作为关税完税价格,则A设备的到岸价是多少? 5、计算该项目的建设期利息。
试题分类: 现代咨询方法与实务
试题分类: 专业基础知识
试题分类: 基础知识
试题分类: 社保协理员