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Part IV Translation

The subjects in his experiment were 75 college students. They represented all levels of ability in English: beginning, intermediate, and native-speaking students. (Passage Two)































Part II Vocabulary and Structure

Directions: In this part there are forty incomplete sentences. Each sentence is followed by four choices. Choose the one that best completes the sentence and then mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

21. the difficulties associated with the project, we’ll go on with it.

A. Given B. In spite of C. Thank to D. Because of

22. It was almost dark in the streets a few very powerful spotlights.

A. excluding B. but for C. except D. except for

23. today, he would get there by Friday.

A. Would he leave B. If he leaves

C. Was he leaving D. Were he to leave

24. He gave me some very advice on buying a house.

A. precious B. expensive C. wealthy D. dear

25. His goal is not to become a sportsman, a champion in a certain field.

A. but rather became B. but rather to become

C. but rather becoming D. but rather to becoming

26. I just met her on the way home from the bookstore.

A. on purpose B. by accident C. in accident D. in case

27. I don’t know about him, comment on him behind his back.

A. let alone B. let go C. leave alone D. take leave

28. My transistor radio is out of order. It .

A. need to be repaired B. need repairing

C. needs repairing D. needs to repair

29. No one could tell us anything about the stranger.

A. conscious B. mysterious C. serious D. previous

30. Mary all foolish comments and kept on working.

A. excluded B. ignored C. denied D. discharged

31. I agree with him , but not entirely.

A. until a certain point B. to some point

C. to some extent D. until a certain extent

32. People in some parts of the world often take their water for . they use as much water as they wish.

A. granted B. sure C. certain D. pleasure

33. Color-blind people often find it difficult to between blue and green.

A. separate B. compare C. contrast D. distinguish

34. Thousands of people on the city to welcome the visiting guests.

A. turned off B. turned up C. turned out D. turned over

35. The mountain place is beautiful, but the working conditions, it’s terrible.

A. when mentioned B. when it comes to

C. when it is said D. when it dies to

36. Are you spending more money on the space program?

A. in favor of B. by favor of C. in favor to D. out of favor

37.In the of my parents, standards of education in the public school are actually falling.

A. idea B. thought C. opinion D. principle

38. from space, our earth, with water covering 70% of its surface, appears as a “blue planet”.

A. Seeing B. To be seen C. Seen D. having seen

39. This year’s total output value of industry and agriculture will increase 5 percent over last years.

A. by B. to C. of D. with

40. Mary is the top student in the class. She studies harder .

A. than any student B. than all the students

C. than any other student D. than some other student

41. Many people have applied for the position.

A. empty B. bare C. vacant D. blank

42. My new shoes cost me 50 yuan (RMB). The price was that the last pair I bought a month ago.

A. two time more than B. twice as much as

C. as twice D. as much as twice

43. Almost everyone failed on the first day.

A. pass his driver’s test B. to have passed his driver’s test

C. to pass his driver’s test D. passing his driver’s test

44. Over the traditional festival people visit each other and greetings.

A. exchange B. wish C. congratulate D. present

45. It was because he was tired out that he fell asleep standing up.

A. publicly B. openly C. specially D. obviously

46. The young man was accused of the lady of her money.

A. stealing B. robbing C. taking D. grasping

47. No matter where our Party needs us, we will her call.

A. give answer for B. respond to

C. have response to D. answer to

48. It is astonishing that a person of your intelligence be cheated so easily.

A. could B. should C. might D. would

49. We were completely when we finally reached the destination.

A. worn off B. worn down C. worn out D. worn away

50. Many things impossible in the past are common today.

A. considered B. to consider C. considering D. to be considered

51. Not until many years later known.

A. was the whole truth become B. did the whole truth become

C. the whole truth became D. the whole truth had became

52. We didn’t know his telephone number, otherwise we him.

A. would telephone B. would have telephoned

C. had telephoned D. must have telephoned

53. There is no point with him, since he has already made up his mind.

A. argue B. to argue C. in arguing D. of arguing

54. I appreciate that letter for me.

A. you to write B. your writing C. you write D. that you writing

55. I’d like to a special seat for the connect of May 5.

A. serve B. reserve C. preserve D. conserve

56. that son is well again, you no longer have anything to worry about.

A. Since B. Now C. When D. After

57. Generally speaking, all kinds of materials will expand when heated but will when cooled.

A. contrast B. contract C. survive D. return

58. You won’t know if it fits you until you it on.

A. will try B. are trying C. are to try D. have tried

59. After all efforts in vain, he had to accept the result .

A. regularly B. shallowly C. physically D. painfully

60. The rest of his life is to the cause of international exchanges of visiting scholars.

A. added B. put C. saved D. committed

Part IV Translation

As the source of aluminum is almost inexhaustible, we can expect that more and more uses will be found for this versatile metal. (Passage Two)

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试题分类: 电子商务与金融
试题分类: 市场信息学
试题分类: 电子商务与金融
试题分类: 国际贸易实务(三)
试题分类: 互联网数据库
试题分类: 教育法学
北京图书大厦网上书店在首都电子商城开业3个月以后,便开始盈利,这说明他们实施B2C模式的电子商务取得了成功。其主要标志是: (1)较好地解决了全球性的安全支付问题。在首都电子商务工程试点中,由首都电子商城配置了自主开发的具有高位加密算法的安全协议。在与国内外银行和公司的合作下,采用多种具有实效的现代支付工具与网上银行等支付方式,以及多种安全协议和高位加密算法,并使具有网上安全支付功能的网上购书由北京市扩充至全国,乃至全世界成为可能。 (2)取得了相当规模的营业额。网上书店经营3个月,平均每月网上有效订单交易额达100万元人民币。另外,网上书店的增值效应平均每月超过50万元。 (3)实现了网上书店的全球性经营。网上书店已经完全打破了时间和空间的限制,每年365天,每天24小时地提供不间断的经营服务。起初,北京市购买者占所有客户的25%,后来下降到20%;外地购买者由开始时的45%下降到30%,而境外(如北美、欧洲、日本、港澳台等)购买者的比例则由开始时的30%上升到50%。 (4)找到了盈利之道。北京图书大厦拥有500余家出版单位出版的30万种图书、音像制品和电子出版物。自网上书店开办以来,除实现网上支付交易外,在网下也实现了增值效应。AC尼尔森机构发布的一项研究显示:我国网上购物的5500万人中,有56%选择网上买书。网上购书已成为电子商务交易中的排头兵,其最大的便利就是快捷和便宜,而且选择范围非常广。比如,在当当网销售过的图书超过60万种,远高于任何一家传统店面。虽然网上书店的图书种类繁多,但读者可以方便地进行查询。商品的销售价格可以低至2—3折,甚至畅销的新书也能够低于7折。业界人士认为,网上售书的价格优势主要来源于两方面:一方面,营销成本大大低于传统的店面销售模式;另一方面,风险资金的介入也可以让网上书店暂时不考虑眼前的盈利,这是传统书店所无法比拟的。从目前的发展来看,传统书店涉足网上书店只是时间问题。业内专家认为,一方面,传统书店如果能合理利用自己的品牌和传统渠道,有助于拓展自己的网站业务。另一方面,网上书店也有助于促进传统书店的销售。 请根据上述案例资料回答下列问题: (1)说明电子商务的特点。 (2)分析传统书店开展电子商务对获得竞争优势所产生的作用。 (3)网上书店的常规购书流程是什么?
试题分类: 电子商务案例分析
试题分类: 经济学(二)
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