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“Tradition and modernization are incompatible. One must choose between them”. To what degree do you agree with this statement? Write an essay of about 400 words.

In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.

You should supply an appropriate title for your essay.

Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.



Tradition and Modernization Can Be Compatible

There is much debate over whether tradition and modernization are compatible. Some people maintain that they necessarily conflict with each other, while others argue that it is possible to combine tradition and modernization in our pursuit of development. As far as I am concerned, these two forces undermine each other at times, but they can also compliment each other, if handled properly.

Most people take it for granted that modernization and tradition are contradictory, which is true in a sense. Modernization, a popular yet a vague term, is generally understood as "Westernization," which means individualist, rights-based democracy, capitalism, and technological imperatives. Meanwhile, tradition comprises the whole complex of distinctive spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional features that characterize a specific society or a social group. It includes not only the arts and letters, but also modes of life, the value systems and beliefs of the indigenous people. In this sense, it is only natural that modernization, as a foreign culture forced upon non-Western cultures, tends to cause damage to the tradition and arouse confrontation from the native people involved in this destructive and painful process. Where modernization marches on, we often see traditional customs disappearing, traditional value systems collapsing, traditional craftsmanship withering, and traditional ways of life disintegrating. As a result, modernization has not brought about prosperity and happiness at it promises to traditional societies. On the contrary, we are alarmed at the deterioration of the cities and disintegration of society—overcrowding; slum formation; breakdown of culture, community, and family; isolation of social and age groups, etc. —as well as the environmental destruction—water and air pollution; noise; destruction of wildlife, vegetation and land, etc.

However, if we understand modernization as sustainable development, we must believe in the necessity and possibility of synthesizing modernization and tradition. Development can only flourish where it is rooted in the culture and the tradition of each country, since it is an all-encompassing process linked to each society's own values and calling for an active participation of individuals and groups who are both the authors and the beneficiaries of it. The success of Japan and the South-East Asian "dragons," is a case in point. While espousing the free enterprise system of the western development model, these traditional societies dosed it with more than a little government control, a form of paternalism alien to the West but totally in keeping with their own traditions. In the same vein, China is confidently pushing forward its development by synthesizing modernization and tradition.

To conclude, it seems unavoidable that some traditional cultural elements will be lost in the process of modernization. Yet any external experience, technique or model cannot be successfully integrated by mere adopting or reproduction; it needs to be reinterpreted or reinvented in such a way that it can be absorbed through the filter of the society's cultural identity and value system. In other words, any traditional society, if it aims at sustainable development, should endeavor to maintain a mutually enriching relationship between the external modernization and the internal tradition.














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某工程,建设单位通过招标与甲施工单位签订了土建工程施工合同,包括A~I共9项工作,合同工期200天;与乙施工单位签订了设备安装施工合同,包括P、Q共2项工作,合同工期70天。经甲乙双方协调,并经项目监理机构批准的施工进度计划如图2014-5-1所示。 工程施工过程中发生如下事件: 【事件1】:工作 B、C和 H均需使用土方施工机械,由于机械调配原因,施工单位仅安排一台土方施工机械进行工作B、C和 H的施工作业。 【事件2】:甲施工单位施工的设备基础(工作F)验收时,项目监理机构发现设备基础预埋件位置与运抵施工现场待安装的设备尺寸不一致。经查,是因设计单位原因所致。设计单位修改了设备基础设计图纸并按程序进行了审批与会签,甲施工单位按照变更后的设计图纸进行了返工处理,发生费用5万元。处理该变更用时20天。甲施工单位在合同约定的时限内通过项目监理机构向建设单位提出了费用补偿5万元和工程延期20天的要求。 【事件3】:受到事件2的影响,乙施工单位窝工损2万元。乙施工单位在合同约定的时限内通过项目监理机构向建设单位提出了费用补偿2万元和工程延期20天的要求。 【事件4】:工作 G经项目监理机构验收后进行了覆盖,项目监理机构又对工作G的施工质量提出复验要求,甲施工单位不同意复验,项目监理机构坚持要求复验,甲施工单位进行剥离后,复验结果表明工程质量合格。 问题: 1、事件 1 中,在不改变施工总工期和各项工作工艺关系的前提下,甲施工单位应如何安排B、C和 H三项工作的施工顺序?为完成B、C和 H三项工作, 土方施工机械在施工现场的最少闲置时间是多少天? 2、写出事件 2 中项目监理机构处理该设计变更的程序。 3、事件 2 中,项目监理机构是否应批准甲施工单位提出的费用补偿和工程延期要求?分别说明理由。 4、事件 3 中,项目监理机构是否应批准乙施工单位提出的费用补偿和工程延期要求?分别说明理由。 5、事件 4 中,甲施工单位和项目监理机构的做法是否妥当?分别说明理由。
试题分类: 案例分析
C建筑工程公司原有从业人员650 人,为减员增效, 2009 年 3 月份将从业人员裁减到 350 人,质量部、安全部合并为质安部,原安全部的8 名专职安全管理人员转入下属二级单位,原安全部的职责转入质安部,具体工作由2 人承担。 2010 年 5 月,C公司获得某住宅楼工程的承建合同,中标后转包给长期挂靠的包工头甲某,从中收取管理费。 2010 年 5 月,甲找 C公司负责人借用吊车吊运一台800KG-m的塔式起重机组件,并借用了“ A”类汽车驾驶执照的员工乙和丙。 2010 年 11 月 6 日中午,乙把额定起重 8T的汽车式起重机开到工地, 丙用汽车将塔式起重机塔身组件运至工地,乙驾驶汽车式起重机开始作业, C公司机电队和运输队 7 名员工开始组装塔身。当日18 时,因吊车油料用完且天黑无照明,丙要求下班,甲不同意。甲找来汽油后,继续组装。20 时,发现塔吊的塔身首位倒置,无法与塔基对接。随后,甲找来3 名临时工,用钢绳绑定、人拉钢绳的方法扭转塔身,转动中塔身倾斜倒向地面,作业人员躲避不及,造成3 人死亡、 4 人重伤。 根据以上场景,回答下列问题 1、确定此次事故类别并说明理由。 2、指出 C公司主要负责人应履行的安全生产职责。3、分析本次事故暴露出的现场安全管理问题。 4、提出为防止类似事故发生应采取的安全管理措施。
试题分类: 安全生产事故案例分析