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An old saying goes “hast makes waste”. Write a composition of about 400 words to state your view on it.



Haste Makes Waste

A famous saying goes that “Haste makes waste”,which means thatone should do everything step by step. Even simple operations can easily be spoiled if we rush to complete them, neglecting important stages in the process. Instead, one should make full preparations before beginning any task. To be exact, this proverb is meant to teach us the importance of patience or carefulness. With such a desirable quality, we can overcome a series of difficulties and setbacks and finally find ourselves a way to greater success and happiness. On the contrary, we can only stay where we are and make no progress.

History abounds with examples to prove this proverb. In ancient China, a farmer pulled his young crops up to help them grow faster, only to find they all withered in the end.Another case in point is the so-called Great Leap Forward movement in China in 1950’s and 1960’s. At that time, the Chinese people were eager to develop their economy and catch up with such developed nations as the uS and the UK, so much so that they took some drastic measures, only to hinder the expansion of economy and lead to waste of resources.

Taking a look around, we may also find examples too many to enumerate.Here I can think of no better illustration of the proverb than the experience of my own. At the age of 11 or 12, I began to learn to ride. Eager to ride as well as others, I started by sitting on the saddle at the very beginning. Predictably, I often fell from over the bike. Lots of time had been wasted before I realized that I should do it step by step. I tried to slide by standing on one pedal. Then I began to ride the bike from under the cross bar. Finally, I succeeded.

The same is true with study or scientific research.Take English study for example. Without a good command of pronunciation, we can never hope to speak in an understandable way.Similarly, if we do not learn to spell properly and to acquire a basic grasp of grammar, we will never succeed in writing good compositions. )

In short,laying a solid foundation is essential if we want to make achievements in our studies or work, or indeed in any other aspect of our life. At every step, review what has been achieved and assess the problems ahead before moving to the next step.And remember Rome was not built in a day.









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试题分类: 高级等级证(三级)
试题分类: 综合知识
某工程,实施过程中发生如下事件: 【事件1】:施工单位向项目监理机构报送的试验室资料包括: (1)实验室的资质等级及试验范围; (2)试验项目及试验方法; (3)试验室技术负责人资格证书。 专业监理工程师审查后认为报送的资料不全,要求施工单位补充。 【事件2】:建设单位采购的一批材料进场后,施工单位未向项目监理机构报验即准备用于工程, 项目监理机构发现后立即给予制止并要求报验。检验结果表明这批材料质量不合格。施工单位要求建设单位支付该批材料检验费用,建设单位拒绝支付。 【事件3】:施工过程中某工程部位发生一起质量事故,需加固补强。施工单位编写了质量事故调查报告和相关处理方案,征得建设单位同意后即开始加固补强。 【事件4】:工程竣工验收阶段,施工单位完成自检工作后,填写了工程竣工验收报审表,并将全部竣工资料报送项目监理机构申请竣工验收。总监理工程师认为施工过程中均按要求进行了验收,即签署了工程竣工验收报审表,并向建设单位提交了工程质量评估报告。建设单位收到工程质量评估报告后,即将该工程正式投入使用。 问题: 1、针对事件1,专业监理工程师要求补充的内容有哪些? 2、分别指出事件2中施工单位和建设单位做法的不妥之处,并说明理由。项目监理机构应如何处置这批材料? 3、分别指出事件3中施工单位和建设单位做法的不妥之处。写出项目监理机构处理该事件的正确做法。 4、事件4中,指出总监理工程师做法的不妥之处,写出正确做法。建设单位的做法是否正确?说明理由。
试题分类: 案例分析
试题分类: 广播电视业务
试题分类: 初级电工证(五级)
试题分类: 综合知识
某工程的桩基工程和内装饰工程属于依法必须招标的暂估价分包工程,施工合同约定由施工单位负责招标。 施工单位通过招标选择了 A单位分包桩基工程施工。 工程实施过程中发生如下事件: 事件 1:工程开工前,项目监理机构审查了施工单位报送的工程开工报审表及相关资料。确认具备开工条件后, 总监理工程师在工程开工报审表中签署了同意开工的审核意见,同时签发了工程开工令。 事件 2:项目监理机构在巡视时发现,有A、B两家桩基工程施工单位在现场施工,经调查核实,为了保证施工进度,A 单位安排 B单位进场施工,且 A、B两单位之间签了承包合同,承包合同中明确主楼区域外的桩基工程由B单位负责施工。 事件 3:建设单位负责采购的一批工程材料提前运抵现场后,临时放置在现场备用仓库。该批材料使用前,按合同约定进行了清点和检验,发现部分材料损毁。为此,施工单位向项目监理机构提出申请,要求建设单位重新购置损毁的工程材料,并支付该批工程材料检验费。 事件 4:室内装饰工程招标工作启动后,施工单位在向项目监理机构报送的招标方案中提出: (1)允许施工单位的参股公司参与投标; (2)投标单位必须具有本地类似工程业绩; (3)招标控制价由施工单位最终确定; (4)建设单位和施工单位共同确定中标人; (5)由施工单位发出中标通知书; (6)建设单位和施工单位共同与中标人签订合同。 问题: 1. 指出事件 1 中的不妥之处,写出正确做法 2. 事件 2 中,A、B两单位之间签订的承包合同是否有效?说明理由。写出项目监理机构对该事件的处理程序。 3. 逐项回答事件 3 中施工单位的要求是否合理,说明理由。 4. 逐项指出事件 4 招标方案中的提法是否妥当,不妥之处说明理由。
试题分类: 案例分析
试题分类: 技师(二级)