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它很便宜,但在另一方面,质量很差。(on the other hand )


It’s cheap,but On the other hand ,the quality is poor.




翻译:product return

收入;岁入 n. r_______________


勿受坏榜样的影响。(influence )

Relaxation therapy ( = treatment). If you read the sentence out loud, your blood pressure will go up. If you talk to another person, it will go still higher. If the talk is with your boss, your pressure will go even higher. If you speak to someone of the opposite sex, your pressure may show less change if you ’ re married than if you ’ re single. Dozens of times each day, your blood pressure changes with what you ’ re feeling and doing. These “ ups and downs” take place in everyone, but they are more severe in people with high blood pressure. That discovery is the basis for the newest therapy: controlling blood pressure by learning skills to control everyday stress. Many patients control their blood pressure with the relaxation response. This takes four simple things: a quiet environment, a comfortable position (sitting or lying down), the repeating of a word, prayer or phrase each time you breathe and having none of other thoughts. Something remarkable happens when you do this, according to research in Boston. Relaxation of the mind and body has the effect that some blood-p ressure pills would have. What ’ s more, the blood pressure stays lower, just as it would with a pill, after you have stopped the relaxation and have returned to the stress of daily life. 

31. The first paragraph tells us the reason why your blood pressure goes up is that__________. 

A. you read aloud a sentence

B. the man you talk to is your boss

C. you ’ re not married

D. you ’ re nervous

32. Which of the following statements is not true?

A. One ’ s blood pressure changes many times every day.

B. Your blood pressure changes with your feelings.

C. When you ’ re doing different things, your blood pressure, perhaps, is different.

D. The changes of blood pressure only happen to people with high blood pressure.

33. The last paragraph tells us relaxation therapy__________.

A. needs a new kind of medicine

B. has the same effect as blood-pressure pills

C. is more than blood-pressure pills

D. is working and can be improved

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试题分类: 电子商务与现代物流
试题分类: 财务管理学
案例分析题 “我们在中国市场的目标是,进展30个区域、2000家加盟店和14000名专业经纪人。到明年年底,估量我们会有250家一300家加盟店,在中国房地产公司的排名将提至为前三位。而后年21世纪不动产一定能成为中国最大的房地产组织”。这是日前比尔·亨特先生在同意记者采访时透露的最新消息。 随着房地产中介市场的进展、行业内竞争的加剧以及买方市场的逐步形成,顾客差不多不中意将自己的需求托付给不负责的中介,而对中介服务提出了更高要求。这种情形下,一些中介公司不得不开始考虑从降低运营成本,提升服务质量以及依靠可信任的大品牌来增强自身的市场竞 争力以吸引顾客,中介经营模式面临着深刻的变革。 中国幅员宽敞,而且地区差异显着,采取两级授权的策略方式,即在中国总部拥有整个内地的授权,而由中国总部授权给当地的一家合格企业成立该区域的21世纪区域分部,行使行政治理及后台支持、培训、治理、监督的职能;再由该区域分部进展下面的加盟店从事具体的房地产中 介业务,通过这种两级授权,真正使治理、经营本土化,从而全然上杜绝了外来品牌“水土不服”的通病。 比尔先生认为,这种体系对他们在中国市场上的业务进展起了专门迅速的作用。因为他们在选择区域性的合作伙伴时,更加看中的是在当地的阻碍力,我们对合作伙伴的要求是要有良好的操作实力和能力,包括资金、治理、渠道,以及背景和方方面面社会资源的整合等。例如在选择 南京的合作伙伴,就要求对南京的市场专门了解。对合作伙伴提供其使用他们的体系并给以相应的支持,如此就能够专门快在当地市场进展起来。 比尔先生还认为中国房地产中介市场目前最需要解决的是,第一,必须严格执行执照颁布的法律规定,而且一定要关闭没有资质的公司,需要对这些中介公司的治理人员进行治理方面的培训,然后对经理人进行销售方面的培训,强化相应的鼓舞体系。 阅读案例后请回答下列咨询题: (1)什么叫国际特许经营?(2)结合案例分析采取特许经营方式的好处。
试题分类: 国际市场营销学
试题分类: 中国广告学
试题分类: 企业管理概论
试题分类: 银行信贷管理学
试题分类: 商品流通概论
试题分类: 财务管理学